

No, Pinterest did not give me a literal beef. This is more of a figurative beef, a beef sitting in my brain, pestering my lobes. (I almost want to apologize for this sentence.) 

Recently, I've been pinning more than usual. Why? I'm not really sure. Maybe this really is a literal mind-beef that they planted in my brain to make me pin more, but who's to say? The point is, I simply have been pinning more. I may or may not have a problem, but that's what's happening. Anyways.

Normally, Pinterest's "picked for you" pins that pop up are spot on. I'm like, "Hey Pinterest! That's a great looking (room/recipe/quote/art thing/picture of a pumpkin) that I am totally digging! You know me so well. Thanks for the suggestion, pal!" And I go on my merry way.

But lately, I think Pinterest is having some insecurity problems. I pin, for example, ONE chocolate chip cookie recipe and when I get on later, Pinterest is like HERE ARE FIVE MORE CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE RECIPES I PICKED OUT FOR YOU MAYBE YOU'LL LIKE THEM I MISSED YOU PLEASE JUST LOVE ME. And I'm like, WHAT IS THIS. I CAN'T HANDLE ALL OF THIS. It's ridiculous. I pin one picture of a drawing of, like, a triangle or something and Pinterest assumes I am suddenly obsessed with triangles and want to look at them A LOT. AND I CAN'T ESCAPE FROM THEM. SO MANY TRIANGLES.

So, Pinterest, just calm down, okay? You don't have to try so hard to make me happy. I liked you already. You're the best quasi social media-ish site out there and you know that. I know that, you know that, and we're going to get through this together. Just please stop with the cookie pins. I'm going a tad insane. 

I'm glad we had this talk. 

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