

I know I'm late to the game, but I finally just saw me some B&B (also, Herbie: Fully Loaded) (not really). Though I've always been a fan of Beauty and the Beast (I think all brunette girls are in some form or another since there weren't a lot of other princess options out there for the non-blondes among us in the early nineties, and also no one had or ever will have voluminous, crayola marker red hair that stays perfectly coiffed underwater), I couldn't allow myself to jump fully into fangirl mode when the trailer came out because 1. I wasn't sure how I felt about the casting of Emma Watson as Belle and 2. Something horrible and cynical within me wants to hate on all of the live-action remakes Disney is doing for absolutely no reason. But still, the effect that the music at the beginning of the trailer had on me would be a sign of what was to come. *a foreshadow appears*

A few weeks after the movie came out, a good friend of mine was like IT'S PROBABLY LAME BUT LET'S GO SEE IT so on a recent Saturday afternoon we found ourselves filing into a half-full theater and feeling pretty smug about the whole situation. "Can Emma Watson really even sing?" we asked. "Pretty sure they just cast her because she's already famous for playing a beloved and bookish character," we said as we adjusted our monocles with an air of elitism. "Did we even need this story to be redone?" we wondered aloud to the frustration of the mother and her two daughters wearing yellow Belle dresses and tiaras sitting nearby (they didn't exist but I added this part here to make it sound more dramatic--call me Brian Williams). As the lights dimmed and we sat back, smugness oozing out of our over-large, critical, English major heads, we steeled ourselves in the back row of the theater for the two hours that lay before us we were so determined not to like. I will now tell the rest of the story in illustrated form: 

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