

Today the world was informed of the passing of Kate Spade, and my heart is heavy.

It's not because I have a personal connection to anything from her brand, or because I know very much about her, or even solely because she is no longer with us (though that is, of course, a big part of it). 

My heart is heaviest of all because of the huge outpouring of love and kind, eloquent words people have been posting online today after hearing of her passing, and wondering--could it have been different if people had said these things before? If people took the time to write from the heart about how much they loved and admired her and her work, let her know what a lovely, wonderful person they thought she was when she possibly could not have seen that in herself. I acknowledge that I know nothing about her situation and why she took her life, but I do know that a kind, thoughtful note from someone when you're feeling lost or alone can mean a world of difference.

Why is it that people seem to wait until after someone is gone to say such lovely things about them? Why are we so reluctant to be open and genuine about our admiration of someone in the moment when it's how we really feel? What are we so worried about? And why are we so focused on ourselves? 

I have often tried, repeatedly, to live by this quote:

"Never suppress a generous thought." - Camilla E. Kimball

It seems easy enough, but again and again I find myself wondering why it doesn't come naturally to me. Why I can't just walk up to someone I don't know very well and say, "I hope this isn't weird, but I just wanted to tell you that I really love your positive outlook on life and the way you raise your children. You inspire me." Why do I hold back, bite my tongue, leave a compliment unsaid? 

Why can't kindness be our dominant motivation? Why do fear and selfishness win the day so frequently? The world could be such a better place if we would just open out mouths and share the generous thoughts we have with others. If we could remove the barriers of doubt and self-consciousness and be vulnerable in our kindness and love. If we would reach out and tell people how wonderful they are, and why we love them, so they never have to wonder themselves. 

You never know what kind of impact something so simple and pure can have in a person's life. You never know what darkness and pain a person might be struggling with. So today, I'm resolving to fully embrace this quote and this way of life. 

I hope you'll join me, too. 

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