

Tangerines, clementines, mandarins, sweet tiny baby oranges, whatever you call them, you know exactly what I'm talking about and you are probably either eating one right now or wondering why you aren't. Why? Because it's the Christmas season Mandarin orange season and these things are everywhere. And so is their smell.

Now, I don't hate the citrusy smell of oranges in the slightest, but MY GOODNESS it's powerful. I started peeling one at work yesterday and instantly people down the hall were saying "Hey, I smell oranges!" There is no way to eat one of these things without signaling to everyone in a fifty foot radius or anyone you come in contact with for seven days afterward that you have peeled and eaten one of these things.

You know, I wouldn't really call it a smell. It's more of a stain. No matter how many times you wash your hands afterward, they still have the stain. It's in your fingernails, it's coming out of your pores, it's like wearing the scarlet A of Hester Prynne, but with significantly less judgmental stares and questions of "WHO'S THE DADDY?" when you walk by. 

For someone who doesn't like drawing buckets of attention to herself, choosing to peel and consume this particularly extroverted fruit in public is a sacrifice. 

But at least it gives me a way to compete with my coworker's Scensty for total office smell domination.

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