

Late morning on a Saturday in a trendy cafe in a trendy part of town with really great natural lighting. A group of friends in their late 20s sit at a table in front of trendy plates of brunch that they aren't really eating because they are too engrossed in conversation. Soon one of them notices a woman at another table working intently with colored pencils.

Jenna: Oh my gosh—seriously?

Vanessa: What? 

Jenna: That woman over there is coloring in one of those adult coloring books. 

Tessa: Um...yeah. She is. And? 

Jenna: Tess, do you really have to ask? This whole adults-coloring-like-little-kids thing is super weird. Like, all of a sudden everyone is doing it and I'm like, I thought we were adults, you know? It's like people are reverting to their childhoods because they don't want to deal with reality. 

*Blank stares from everyone at the table*

Vanessa: Wait, are you serious, Jenna?

Jenna: *raises eyebrows* Is it weird that I am? 

Brenna: Totally weird! We all color now. It's like, super relaxing, right girls?

Tessa: Oh my goodness, yes! It's literally the only thing keeping me sane right now! And I just got a new set of metallic pencils and they are a-maz-ing. 

Brenna and Vanessa: SHUT UP! 

Tessa: It's truuuuuue! I'll show you guys later after we go to the gym. I'm loving that new hopscotch class they just started.

Jenna: Hopscotch? 

Vanessa: Hopscotch! And oh my goodness, the monkey bars are making my arms so toned, it's ridiculous.

Jenna: Monkey bars. Hmm. Well, anyways, you guys down to go to a club tonight? I hear that place on 7th is really great.

Brenna: Oh no, let's go to The Sandbox! I love The Sandbox! 

Vanessa and Tessa: It's the best!

Jenna: Do you sit in sand and build sandcastles there with little plastic shovels? 

Brenna: *gasp* How did you know? 

Jenna: Do you guys realize how immature these things are? Like seriously, what's going on? Sure, we all liked doing these things when we were five, but I also used to have tea parties with dolls and you don't see anyone doing that now, do you?

Vanessa: *Pulls a cabbage patch doll out of her purse*


Jenna: Well, I think I've officially lost my appetite. I'm going to leave now. Let me know next time you're going to make daisy chains and use your Easy Bake ovens. Oh, and Tess?

Tessa: Yes?

Jenna: Stop sucking your thumb. 

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