

I don't know why this happens to me, but it does, so I suppose I'm just going to accept it and write about it and stuff. What I'm referring to is my apparent propensity to have really deep thoughts (or so I think) spurred by random, mundane things in everyday situations where normally my trains of thought should be somewhere along the lines of "which of my three essays should I start writing first?" or "did I actually eat anything today?" and then musing on the answers to those questions in a half-cognizant state.

But not in my English class last week. No, my mind just couldn't act normally for some reason. I was sitting there, about three minutes prior to the beginning of class, and while watching people file in, I noticed how even after only a few weeks into the term, they all sat in the same seats that they always do. And there are like, fifteen kids in my class in a classroom that could definitely fit quite a few more people in it. And yet...everyone sits in the same spot. Every time. 

When I came to college, I was like "YAY NO SEATING CHARTS EVER AGAIN YESSSS" and the little child inside of me did a happy dance and I sat all over the place wherever I dang well pleased. It was great. But I noticed, and still do, that people never sit in different spots even though they have the option to. Not usually, anyways. They sit in the same places day in and day out and when two hours have passed they pack everything up and probably go do the same things they always do every afternoon as they walk up the JFSB stairs and into the smothering heat of a Utahan July. It's weird.

Why do people have such a tendency to gravitate toward routines? Really, though. I mean, I understand why you'd want a sense of consistency in some aspects of your life, like an apartment to sleep in every night or, I don't know, a steady job or something, but would it kill you to change up the place you sit every day? Or walk a different way to class? Or order something at a restaurant that you've never had before? Really, would sitting in a seat even just behind where you normally sit drastically change your life in a negative way? Would it? Because I highly doubt that it would. In fact, I might go so far to even suggest that it might be a healthy course of action.

Because last time I checked, life should be interesting. And sitting in the same seat, day in and day out, might be an indicator of a need to switch up other aspects of your life as well.
Maybe. I don't know. I don't even know where I was going with this. So...just pretend that this never happened. Yeah. That's probably a good idea.

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