

Does anyone else find it disconcerting when businesses have "employees must wash hands before returning to work, etc." signs posted in their bathrooms? 

Is it just me? 

After a weekend of traveling and visiting more rest stops and restaurants along the way than I care to mention, I've been reminded of how much this bothers me. 

Am I the only one?

I'd like to think that the establishments I'm entering hire people competent enough to know that when you use the restroom, you wash your hands. I'd like to think the cashier handling my groceries and touching my credit card knows this. I'd definitely like to think that the person artfully preparing my Egg McMuffin and wrapping it up ever so gently in its little paper wrapping knows this too. 

No business should need to have a six-step guide to proper hand-washing complete with diagrams hanging over their sink (which yes, I actually witnessed this weekend. I'm not making it up). 

Because really--should anyone need to be reminded about this?

This concludes my Seinfeld-esque observation of the week.

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